TPWODL Celebrates Lineman Day & 54th National Safety Week
In a remarkable show of appreciation for the dedication and tireless efforts of linemen, TP Western Odisha Distribution Limited (TPWODL) celebrated Lineman Day and the inaugural day of the 54th National Safety Week.
The event held today at company’s head office situated at Burla was aimed at recognizing the significant contributions of linemen, who play a crucial role in ensuring uninterrupted power supply to millions of consumers of western Odisha, often under challenging and hazardous conditions through out the year.
The event was graced by Mr. Ashish Kumar Patjoshi, Chief of Operation & Service; Mr. P.P. Tendulkar, Chief of Commercial; and Mr. Gopabandhu Satpathy, Head of Safety; Mr. Satish Kumar, Chief of Finance; and other senior officials of the company.
As a part of the Tata Group of companies, TPWODL aims to empower its employees with the necessary knowledge and tools to prioritize safety and security. Senior officials of the company expressed their views on this topic. Similarly, ‘Lineman’s Day’ was celebrated at all the Circle and Division offices of TPWODL across the 9 districts of western Odisha.