Bandhan Bank’s total business grows 17% to 2.73 lakh crore

Bandhan Bank offers one of the best rates on FD & SA

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• The bank offers up to 8.35% p.a. for senior citizens & 7.85% for others on FD
• The bank also offers an interest rate of up to 7% on savings account
• Tax Saver FDs for 5 years will earn 7.5% for the senior citizens
• The interest rates on FD are among the best in the industry

Kolkata: Bandhan Bank, one of the leading universal banks, has announced that it is offering one of the best FD interest rates in the banking industry. The bank offers the highest interest rate of 8.35% on fixed deposits for a tenure of 500 days to senior citizens. On the same FD tenure, non-senior citizens will earn 7.85%.
The Bank is also offering a 7.5% interest rate to the senior citizens on Tax Saver fixed deposits for the tenure of 5 years. Others will earn 7% for the same Tax Saver FDs.
This interest rate offer is for a limited period.
Retail Domestic / Non-Resident Rupee Term Deposit Interest Rate
Maturity Bucket Interest Rates for Non-Senior Citizens Interest Rates for Senior Citizens
1 year to 499 days 7.25% 7.75%
500 days 7.85% 8.35%
501 days to less than 2 years 7.25% 7.75%
2 years to less than 3 years 7.25% 7.75%
3 years to less than 5 years 7.25% 7.75%
5 years to up to 10 years 5.85% 6.60%

Additionally, Bank also offers an interest rate of up to 7% on savings bank account balance.
Domestic and Non-Resident Rupee Savings Bank Account
Daily Balance up to ₹1 lakh 3%
Daily Balance above ₹1 lakh to ₹10 lakh 6%
Daily Balance above ₹10 lakh to ₹2 crore 7%

Customers of Bandhan Bank can also enjoy the benefits of booking or investing in FD from the comfort of their homes or offices through retail internet banking or mBandhan mobile app. With this online process, customers can book the FDs within a few minutes in a swift and hassle-free manner.

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