Nrutyadham 6th All India Classical Dance Festival Inaugurated

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Bhubaneswar : The 6th edition of two days all India Classical Dance Festival & Guru
Naman Dance & Music Festival 2022- 2023 inaugurated from Today at Odissi Research
Centre, Bhubaneswar. Padma Vibhushan & Eminent Sculpture Artist, Sudarshan Sahoo
was graced the occasion as chief guest. Among dignitaries present were, Guru Sj. Durga
Charan Ranbir (SNA Awardee) Odissi dance exponent, Smt. Dipti Mishra, Director,
Doordarshan Kendra, Bhubaneswar, Guru Dr. Smt. Sangita Gosain, (OSNA Awardee)
Odissi Music Exponent, Guru Dr. Gajendra Panda (OSNA Awardee), Odissi Dance
Exponent present as guest of honor. In the occasion Padmashree, Smt. Kumkum
Mohanty was awarded as, prestigious Nrutydham award.
The glittering show witnessed eminent dancers mesmerizing the audience with their
dance moves. The dance festival showcased performances by the eminent artists such
as, Dr Subhashree Pattnaik (Odissi Dance Exponent), Geeta Govinda Odissi Dance
Institute, Nrutyayan, Odissi Group Dance, Tridhara, Odissi Group Dance, Samprada,
Odissi Group Dance. The audiences were spellbound with the performance of Dr.
Subhashree pattnaik’s Kunti performance from Mahabharat. Dr. Pattnaik’s excellent
artistic dance reflects how Kunti got the blessing of Saint Durbasha and her story
thereafter. This dance was directed by Guru. Durga Charan Ranbir, music direction by
Guru Sukant Kumar Kundu and in Mardala there was Guru Dhaneswar Swain.
After that the dancers performed Gita Govinda Odissi dance, Ki sobha go gunje madan
mohan, directed by Padmashree, Kumkum Mohanty. Then Mahalaxmi Anukam Tridhara
organization performed the dance by the direction of Dr. Gajendra Panda and the Guru
was Dr. Gopal Ch. Panda and Guru Sachita Nanda Das.
Jgulana Kunj was performed by the dancers of Samprada organization, which was
directed by Guru Suhaga Nalini Das, Sangita guru prof. Ramahari Das, Guru Dhaneswar
Swain Nad dance directed by Guru Sarat Das.

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