PM Modi’s Development Blueprint: The Four Cornerstones – Poor, Youth, Women, Farmers – Paving the Way to India’s Prosperity

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In an address to beneficiaries of various government schemes, Prime Minister Narendra Modi marked a decade of transformative governance, emphasizing the immense confidence the people have in his administration’s efforts. The occasion was part of the government’s Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, a nationwide initiative to ensure the saturation coverage of welfare schemes and identify individuals left out of such programs.

PM Modi asserted that his government’s approach differs significantly from past administrations, which he criticized for adopting a “mai baap” (feudal) mindset, with development initiatives guided by vote bank considerations. He outlined that his priorities revolve around uplifting the four significant “castes” of the poor, youth, women, and farmers, and their progress is pivotal to India’s development.

The Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, symbolized by government chariots traversing the nation, has garnered widespread enthusiasm, with citizens referring to them as “Modi ki guarantee wali gaadi” (vehicles carrying Modi’s guarantees). PM Modi assured the masses that he is committed to fulfilling all promises, and their blessings are crucial for the success of the programs.

Reflecting on the past, PM Modi highlighted the shift in approach from previous governments, which considered themselves ‘mai-baap’ and often failed to deliver basic facilities to a significant portion of the population. He contrasted this with his administration’s focus on ‘seva bhav’ (service-oriented) rather than ‘satta bhav’ (power-oriented) governance.

During the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, the government has reached over 12,000 panchayats, benefiting more than 30 lakh people in just 15 days. PM Modi expressed satisfaction that the initiative has evolved into a people’s movement, with mothers, sisters, and youth actively participating in its success.

In addition to the Yatra, PM Modi launched initiatives to expand Jan Aushadhi Kendras, which offer subsidized medicines, from 10,000 to 25,000. He also introduced the ‘Drone Didi Yojana,’ aiming to provide drones to 15,000 women Self Help Groups for rental services to farmers, promoting financial empowerment.

PM Modi’s commitment to the welfare of citizens was further underscored by the extension of the PM Garib Kalyan Anna Yojna, providing free grains to over 80 crore people, for another five years. He emphasized that “Modi’s guarantee means the guarantee of fulfilling all guarantees.”

As the nation gears up for the 2024 Lok Sabha polls, PM Modi’s popularity remains a significant strength for the ruling BJP, with citizens associating his name with flagship welfare initiatives like Jan Aushadhi Kendra, now commonly referred to as “Modi’s medicine shop.” The Prime Minister envisions empowering rural women through initiatives like the ‘Namo Drone Didi,’ expressing a dream to make two crore women working with self-help groups lakhpati.

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