Premature Retirement to be given to Govt Servants of doubtful integrity or inefficiency from public service
Bhubaneswar : In an effort to dealt with inefficiency and corruption, Chief Secretary, Odisha Shri Manoj Ahuja has instructed all departments to scrupulously follow Circular of the G.A & P.G. Department on Premature Retirement of Government Servants to weed out officers and employees of doubtful integrity or inefficiency from public service.
The Chief Secretary in his letter to all Secretaries to Government issued today has mentioned that, instructions have been issued in Circular No. 27037 Dated 24.09.2019 of the G.A. & P.G. Department in order to streamline the procedures to deal with the cases of Premature Retirement of Government Servants in pursuance of Clause (a) of Rule 71 of the Odisha Service Code to weed out Officers and employees of doubtful integrity and patent inefficiency from public service and to ensure efficiency in administration.
However, it has come to the notice of the Government that, these principles enumerated in the aforesaid Circular are not being adhered to in totality by many Departments. As a result, the very purpose for which these instructions are issued, is defeated and the officers and staffs who are clearly lacking in integrity and
standard of efficiency, are continuing in Government jobs. This not only brings inefficiency in the system but highly detrimental to public interest also.
The Chief Secretary therefore has impressed upon all Secretaries to ensure holding of the Review meetings regularly as per the instructions issued vide Circular No. 27037, dated 24.09.2019 of the G.A. & P.G.
Department for effective functioning of Government Offices by weeding out persons of doubtful integrity and patent inefficiency from public service. The CS has also instructed all Secretaries that all the Heads of Departments functioning under their control to hold review meetings positively in scheduled time.