Tata Steel Foundation Organises ‘Waste to Wealth Workshop’ to Encourage Sustainable Living

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Narendrapur, November 9, 2023 – As part of the Green School Project, a joint initiative of Tata Steel Foundation (TSF) and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), organised a Waste to Wealth Workshop on November 6, 2023. The workshop engaged 80 students aged 12-14 years and their teachers from seven peripheral schools of Tata Steel Medramandali (TSM) operations. The event aimed to empower students to actively participate in voluntary community actions that promote sustainable living.

Held at Kusupanga Kalyan Mandap and coordinated by Kusupanga Nodal High School, the workshop featured engaging activities that taught students how to transform waste materials into valuable resources. A talk on solid waste management and its importance was also delivered to further enhance their understanding of environmental sustainability.

Student groups from Saraswati Shishu Vidyamandir, Sarapa Raghunathpur, and Kurunti UP School were awarded the First and Second positions, respectively, for their outstanding participation in the workshop activities.

The event was graced by Anita Nayak, Sarpanch, Kusupanga Gram Panchayat; Abhimanyu Sahu, Headmaster, Patela School and Sikshyak Gaurav Awardee; Chitaranjan Nath, social worker; Nityananda Behera, Ex-Sarpanch of Kusupanga Gram Panchayat; Bikal Kumar Nayak, a retired teacher; and Raj Kishor Behera, another passionate social worker. Green School Project coordinators, along with dedicated TSF team members Ashutosh Das, Rupak Kumar Nayak, and Sarbeswar Nath, played a key role in organising this workshop successfully.

The Green School Project, launched in 2019-20 at Meramandali, is a TSF and TERI initiative aimed at nurturing environmentally responsible behavior among students in seven peripheral schools of TSM. The project strives to create a lasting impact by promoting eco-conscious actions and awareness, ensuring a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

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