
Former Actress Somy Ali Describes Salman Khan as a ‘Cowardly Thug’ in Shocking Accusations

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Former actress Somy Ali has opened up about her tumultuous relationship with Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, labeling him a “coward, sadist, and narcissistic abuser of women.” In a recent statement, she discussed her past with Khan and shed light on his alleged involvement in banning her show, ‘Fight Or Flight.’

According to Ali, she was Salman Khan’s third girlfriend after Shaheen and Sangeeta Bijlani. Although she admitted to being the cause of the breakup between Khan and Bijlani, she claimed that she later suffered abuse from Salman, including physical, verbal, and sexual mistreatment.

Ali accused Khan of having a pattern of changing girlfriends approximately every seven years. However, she expressed well wishes if there’s any truth to his current relationship with Iulia Vântur.

The former couple is not on speaking terms, with Ali stating, “We do not speak because I absolutely detest him as a human being.” She alleged that Salman Khan is a manipulative individual who hides his true nature, describing him as a “sadistic and narcissistic abuser of women.”

Claiming that Salman Khan has mental health issues and sees himself as a god, Ali criticized his fanbase, referring to them as “illiterate masses.” She accused Khan of sending his PR team to have her docu-series on her NGO banned in India, linking the ban to her revelation of being abused by an unnamed actor.

According to Ali, Salman Khan attempted to silence her by sending threatening emails and using legal means to prevent her from speaking out about his alleged abusive behavior. She questioned why someone innocent would go to such lengths to suppress information.

Despite facing backlash and being accused of seeking publicity, Ali asserted that she has a history of receiving press coverage in the U.S. and being honored with Presidential awards from both Obama and George H.W. Walker Bush. She described Khan as a “cowardly thug” for using legal means to intimidate her.

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