AMRI Hospital, Bhubaneshwar, Launches Liver Clinic

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Bhubaneshwar: AMRI Hospital, a leading healthcare institution in Eastern India, announces the launch of its Liver Clinic on May 8th, 2024. As part of their commitment to community health, the hospital is hosting a special event- a free registration and consultation Liver health check-up camp in its premises on the inaugural day.

Liver transplant cases in India have been steadily increasing over the years, with statistics showing a rise in demand due to various factors such as liver diseases, hepatitis, and lifestyle-related issues. According to recent data, India conducts thousands of liver transplants annually, making it one of the leading countries in the field.

“Liver transplantation stands as the definitive solution for End Stage Liver Disease. Timely consultation and surgery are pivotal for its success. We encourage everyone to seize this opportunity by visiting our liver clinic at AMRI Hospital Bhubaneswar for a complimentary consultation on the inaugural day,” remarked Dr. Rajasekhar K, Consultant Liver Transplant Surgeon.

Liver health is essential for overall well-being as the liver plays a vital role in detoxification, metabolism, and nutrient storage. Getting vaccinated against hepatitis viruses, and getting regular check-ups can help prevent liver diseases and ensure optimal liver function. 

Dr. Pratap Behera, Senior Consultant in Medical Gastroenterology at AMRI Hospital, Bhubaneswar, emphasised the crucial role of liver health, stating, “Our liver plays a vital role in maintaining overall health. Simple lifestyle adjustments, such as adopting a balanced diet, regular exercise, and moderating alcohol consumption, can significantly mitigate the risk of liver diseases. Let’s prioritize liver health and wellness, setting the standard for healthcare excellence in our region.”

Dr. Gyanranjan Rout, Consultant in Medical Gastroenterology at AMRI Hospital, Bhubaneswar, highlighted the prevalence of liver ailments, expressing concern, “Chronic liver diseases silently impact a significant portion of the population, often leading to severe complications. Join us May 8th onwards for consultation with dedicated team focused on nurturing your liver health. Take proactive steps toward a healthier liver.”

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