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Odisha Vigilance Shines: Tops National Rankings in Anti-Corruption Drive

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In the recently published “Crime in India-2022” report by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), Odisha Vigilance emerges as a beacon of anti-corruption efforts, securing top positions across various critical parameters. From the detection and registration of Disproportionate Assets (DA) cases to the conviction and dismissal of corrupt public servants, Odisha Vigilance has showcased an exemplary commitment to combating corruption. Let’s delve into the key achievements that position Odisha Vigilance among the top-performing states in the country.

Detection and Registration of DA Cases:

Odisha Vigilance takes the lead in the nation when it comes to the meticulous detection and registration of Disproportionate Assets cases. This accomplishment underscores the agency’s proactive and aggressive approach in collecting relevant information regarding the assets and financial transactions of corrupt public servants. The state’s anti-corruption agency has set a high standard for other states to follow.

Corruption Cases and Chargesheets:

The agency secured the third position nationwide in 2022 for registering 84 corruption cases based on allegations of criminal misconduct, particularly the misappropriation of government funds. Furthermore, Odisha Vigilance filed chargesheets in 321 cases, marking the agency as the third-highest in the country. This reflects the dedication and efficiency of the agency in bringing corrupt individuals to justice.


Convictions and Punishments:

In the pursuit of justice, Odisha Vigilance filed charges against 551 accused persons in the 321 cases, attaining the third-highest position nationally. Impressively, the agency secured the third position with 90 cases resulting in convictions, showcasing a robust legal strategy. Additionally, in terms of the number of persons convicted, Odisha Vigilance ranks second among all Anti-Corruption Agencies in the States, with 124 accused persons held accountable for corruption-related offenses.


Dismissal/Removal of Public Servants:

Odisha Vigilance continued its strong stance against corruption by ranking third in the country for the proactive dismissal and removal of corrupt public servants from government service in 2022. This underscores the agency’s commitment to purging corruption at its roots and ensuring that individuals engaging in malpractices face severe consequences.


In nearly all major parameters, including the detection and registration of DA cases, criminal misconduct, chargesheets, convictions, and the dismissal/removal of public servants, Odisha Vigilance stands out as a top-performing state in the country. This remarkable achievement positions the agency as a trailblazer in the fight against corruption, serving as a model for other states aiming to emulate its success.

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