Tata Steel Foundation (TSF) Transforming Lives in Guali Area

Tata Steel Foundation (TSF) Transforming Lives in Guali Area

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~Over 500 people benefitted due to various livelihood-based projects

~ Mushroom Farming, Badi making, Pisciculture and Kitchen garden transformed lives of locals

Guali: Tata Steel Foundation (TSF) has successfully implemented various livelihood-based projects in Guali grampanchayat under Joda block of Keonjhar district reiterating its community development programme.

As part of the projects, over 500 people have so far been benefitted. They have become by self-reliant by Mushroom Farming, Badi making, Pisciculture and Kitchen Gardening projects.

Similarly, women of Guali village through ‘Prerana’ Group have made over 50kg Badi in last six months and have benefitted at large.

Thanking Tata Steel Foundation, Sabita Barik of Guali village said’’ TSF has provided us training as well as Machine for making ‘Badi’ that is resulting in a source of income.’’

Likewise, training and necessary materials for Dhingri Mushroom cultivation were provided to 164 people. Maa Tarini Self Help Group based in Kendudihi village has hugely benefited from Mushroom cultivation.

A total of 12 beneficiaries of Guali panchayat have the benefitted in pond project, while 4 people are doing Pisciculture now.

Speaking on the occasion, Laxman Maunda of Gandhalpada village said ” From pisciculture to digging pond to fish larva seeding, TSF has provided all the resources. It has helped us to become self-reliant.’’

Meanwhile, considering the fruitfulness of these projects, TSF plans to expand these projects in coming days.

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