TPWODL has upgraded Electricity Infra in the Elephant Corridors

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TPWODL, the power distribution company of Western Odisha, has executed several initiatives to protect the elephants in its Elephant Corridor Project in different stages. The company is one of the very few discoms, who has taken several leads in the completion of the Elephant Corridor Project to protect the wildlife.  

The Elephant Corridor, a vital elephant conservation project aimed at safeguarding the wildlife, required robust electricity infrastructure to support various conservation efforts and facilitate human-wildlife coexistence. Recognizing the importance of this endeavour, TPWODL took proactive steps to design and implement a reliable electricity network tailored to the unique needs of the corridor at all over the licensee area.

Viz; Heightening the existing distribution line, insulated conductor work under the Elephant Corridor and Elephant Movement areas has been carried out in war footing manner, to curb the electrocution of elephants. Over more than Rs 150 cr has been spent in this project so far. In this entire project, 40688 numbers of HT intermediate poles and 8422 numbers of LT intermediate poles have been erected in elephant movement areas. 481 Km of AB cable in the existing LT line and 970 Km of 11KV insulated covered conductor in the existing HT line have been completed.

From the above completed works, 5674 numbers of HT poles and 534 numbers of LT poles have been erected in and around elephant movement areas in Kalahandi district. 42 km of AB cable in the existing LT line and 20 km of insulated cover conductor in the existing HT line have been completed for the replacement of the bare conductor to insulated conductor in Kalahandi district. Only in Narla Block, 812 numbers of HT interposing poles are already erected in the existing 11KV line. With the completion of the aforesaid work, disturbance in power supply is expected reduced during the elephant movement in this area. This is to be noted that there have been frequently movement of elephants in these areas and as a proactive safety initiative the power supply in this area are shut down during the animal movement and harbouring.

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