TPWODL Organised Business Associates Meet at Sambalpur

TPWODL Organised Business Associates Meet at Sambalpur

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Burla/ Sambalpur: TP Western Odisha Distribution Limited (TPWODL) organized Business Associates meet. Suppliers and manufactures from all over India including that of the enterprises registered with Odisha MSME on 21st Feb 2024 at Hotel Grand Siba, Sambalpur to strengthen the relationship, build a long-term partnership and establish flawless supply chain ecosystem between TPWODL and Business Associates.

The event was graced by CFO, Chief-Contracts & Stores, Chief-Operation, & other Chief of Functions of the company. The welcome address was delivered by Mr Rahul Kumar, Chief- Contracts & Stores followed by speeches from leadership team. Chief Contracts & Stores stressed upon the Quality, Ethics, On time delivery of services, Knowledge sharing, Competitive price and long-term partnership. He also encouraged Business Associates to set up manufacturing units of common items like Transformers, Cables, Conductors, Poles, Meters, Meter boxes etc in Odisha with an assured business in the days to come. The Business Associates welcomed the remarks of Mr. Satish Kumar – CFO, for implementation of SIGITEK software for online submission of invoices which will provide transparent information about the processing of the invoices & on-time payment release to Business Associates.

This event was also witnessed by Heads and Manager of different functions & they made presentations. Projects, Engineering, Quality, Automation, Safety functions also shared their expectations from Business Associates for active participation with TPWODL and stressed upon to improve the Product quality, Delivery timeline and Safety at their workplace.

The Business Associates acknowledged and praised the Stores function for continuous support, help and cooperation provided during delivery of materials. They were delighted and thankful to Mr. Rahul Kumar, Chief- Contracts & Stores for providing such platform for free and open discussions. At the end Vote of thanks to all participants were offered by Mr. Sambit Kumar Sahoo, Head-Procurement.

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