Training of Trainers (ToT) for Emergency Response concludes at Tata Steel Kalinganagar

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April 23, 2024, Kalinganagar: The 6-day long ‘Training of Trainers (ToT) on Emergency Response’ Programme’ by Security Department of Tata Steel Kalinganagar (TSK) in collaboration with National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India at Auditorium, Plot 2, TSK concluded on April 22, 2024.

Rajiv Kumar, Vice President (Operations), TSK graced the occasion as Chief Guest along with Sudhir Mehta, MD & CEO, NINL, Tuhin Chatterjee, Chief, Hot Strip Mill, TSK, Debdoot Mohanty, Chief, Corporate Services, TSK and Vineet Ranjan Tripathy, Chief, Operations & Maintenance, NINL.

Prakash Sanjay, Chief, Security, TSK & TSM was the Chief Coordinator of the programme. Mukul Kumar, Head Security, TSK along with other team members of Security Department, TSK were the main organising team of the event.  

42 officers including 04 lady officers from various Tata Steel locations viz; Jamshedpur, Kalinganagar, Raw Material locations, Meramandali & NINL successfully completed the training programme and were awarded with certificates issued by NDRF. NDRF team from 3rd Bn NDRF, Mundali, Cuttack were also felicitated for their effective conduct of the programme. On the occasion, a mock drill on disaster management was also organised.

The training programme, an initiative on capacity building by creating a pool of Master Trainers who in turn would further train the shop floor employees included classroom training, demonstration and hands on practical to acquire instructional skills on Medical First Responder, Structural Collapse Search & Rescue, Fire Management and Lifesaving & Search equipment for the effective management of various disaster contingencies.

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